Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing Using A Blog

on Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Affiliate marketing is probably where you will earn the greatest amount of money on your blog – over time – unless you are selling your own products. While other forms of revenue from your blog are more ‘passive’ in nature, affiliate marketing is more active.

Let’s look for just a minute about ‘passive’ activity and ‘active’ activity. Running Google Ads on your site is passive. Running ads from the networks is also basically passive. Selling links is even passive, as it takes very little of your time or attention.

Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, is not passive. Affiliate marketing on blogs is not done with banner ads and such. It isn’t even really done with text link ads. Instead, you have to learn how to use your blog posts to pre-sell the affiliate product.

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After your blog is set up with various sources of revenue, this is where the majority of your work is done – making blog posts and recommending related affiliate products in those posts.

The post has to be conversational, personal, and push the product without appearing to push the product. Nobody wants to be sold to, and they did not come to your blog for the purpose of reading a sales letter – they came to be entertained or informed.

I suggest that anybody who is starting a blog read and study a few writing courses. You must learn how to engage your reader, while getting your point across.

The other option is to choose your affiliate programs, let a ghostwriter know which program you want to push, and hire them to write your post. Ghostwriters already have the experience to engage a reader while pushing an idea or product in a smooth way.

When you post what you have written, make sure that the link to the affiliate product is ‘clickable.’ It’s a turn off for your readers. You should essentially create a text link.

Now, what affiliate products should you promote? You can promote any product that is related to your topic. It is a good idea to take an affiliate marketing course. When you write your post, make sure that you apply the product to your own life or experience.

You can find affiliate products, in numerous categories, from the following networks:

1. ClickBank - – Has thousands of digital products, in numerous categories to choose from. Each merchant pays different percentages on sales.

2. – – Has thousands of products, mostly digital. Percentages paid by each merchant differ.

3. Commission Junction – – Offers mostly tangible products. After joining Commission Junction, you must apply for the programs that you want to promote separately, from within the CJ control panel.

4. Link Share – – Mostly tangible products. Each merchant pays different percentages on sales.

5. Share-A-Sale – – Tangible and digital products. Each merchant pays out different percentages. With the exception of PayDotCom, your earnings are paid by the network – not by the merchant. PayDotCom merchants are responsible for paying their affiliates, and those funds are paid directly into your PayPal account. Make sure that you pay attention to how much you will be paid per sale. Some products simply are not worth promoting because they don’t pay out enough. Look for products that pay out 50% of the sale price or more.

Affiliate marketing most likely will not provide instant income. To make money online with affiliate marketing, you have to build a readership. You have to build trust and credibility with those readers, and then, you have to choose the right products to promote to your audience. Be patient – affiliate marketing and blogs is a match made in heaven, and this will pay off well for you in the end. source
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